Tento príspevok vznikal trochu ťažšie a trval mi napísať pár dní. Snáď preto, pretože bol príliš čerstvý a osobný.
Milý Bože,
Milý Bože,
tento deň mal byť jeden z dní, keď si vydýchnem a načerpám sily v prítomnosti mojich dvoch odlišných, no úžasných priateliek. Naproti tomu, zažila som hrozný otras a šok, z ktorého sa spamätávam ešte aj teraz o polnoci.
Bolo to nedávno, keď som svojej priateľke naznačila, že by som možno v budúcnosti chcela predať moje krásne červené auto, ktoré som si z potešenia a z toho, že niečo vlastním pomenovala "Jahoda". Viem, bolo to úsmevné. Nazývam veci menami, ktoré im neprináležia. Ale ty vieš aké ťažké a náročné je stať sa v cudzej krajine vlastníkom akéhokoľvek majetku. A hľa, našla som ju, moju drahú a krásnu Jahodu. Mala som s ňou na začiatku mierne problémy technického charakteru, ale všetko sa vyriešilo. A odvtedy bežala ako hodinky. Ja a ona, pyšne sme sa premávali po Barnes a okolí a z času na čas sme vyrazili na výlet s priateľmi.
Tak veľmi ma mrzí čo sa stalo. Stále mám pred očami ako chcem odbočiť do ľava, ale nemôžem bo je tam veľký nákladiak. Spomaľujem a chcem odbočiť, signalizujem, ale z ľavej strany sa stále valia autá. Ešte viac spomalím, no auto ktoré je za mnou ide stále rýchlo a nestíha spomaliť ako ja. Preto ma radšej obieha a tak sa vyhýbame zrážke. No auto, ktoré je za ním nestíha zareagovať a vráža do nás. Stále sa mi pred očami mihajú obrázky toho čo sa stalo. Útržky chvíľ, momentky jednotlivých sekvencií tejto nemilej udalosti.
Sedím v aute, snažím sa to predýchať. Ale namiesto toho spustím hysterický plač. Po pár minútach, keď ma moje dve priateľky utíšia, vystupujem z auta kráčajúc k vozidlu, ktoré do nás zo zadu narazilo. Dúfam, že v ňom nesedí veľa ľudí. Je v ňom gentleman, ktoré ho prvá otázka znie: "Are you alright, my love?" A ja som. Som v poriadku. Nič nemám zlomené, narazené, udreté. Som celá, celučičká, nepoškvrnená. Pretože Ty, nedáš dopustiť na tých, ktorých miluješ.
Nestihne ťa nijaké nešťastie *
a k tvojmu stanu sa nepriblíži pohroma,
lebo svojim anjelom dá príkaz o tebe, *
aby ťa strážili na všetkých tvojich cestách.
a k tvojmu stanu sa nepriblíži pohroma,
lebo svojim anjelom dá príkaz o tebe, *
aby ťa strážili na všetkých tvojich cestách.
Keďže sa nikomu nič nestalo, ambulancia ani policajti neprišli. Za to nás prišla ratovať diaľničná služba. Prišli rýchlo a boli nám veľmi nápomocní. Na niekoľko minút zastavili dopravu, aby nás odtiahli z cesty na stranu a zabezpečili našu ochranu. Na krátku chvíľu sa zo mňa stala "kráľovná ciest" - "Queen of the Road". Na niekoľko minút, zastala premávka na jednej z najfrekventovanejších diaľníc v Anglicku.
Dovolať sa do poisťovne a nahlásiť nehodu, nebolo najrýchlejšie, pretože sme mali slabý signál, ale stalo sa. O hodinu a pol, prišla pre nás odťahová služba a odviezla nás na najbližšiu vlakovú stanicu. Odtiaľ sme sa už dopravili každá so svojou pošramotenou mysľou a vytraseným telom domov.
No deň mi ešte neskončil. Keď vysadla som z vlaku, dala zbohom kamarátkam, prišla som na to, že nemám kľúče od domu. Nepočúvala som anjela strážneho, ktorého si mi zoslal. Pred tým, než odviezol auto do garáže poisťovne, spýtal sa ma, či sme si z auta zobrali všetko čo sme chceli. A my sme pritakali, že áno. Aké hrozné bolo moje zistenie, keď som si uvedomila, že "tesne" pred prahom domu, nemám sa ako dostať dnu.
Musela som teda začať obvolávať ľudí, ktorí by mohli byť v mojej blízkosti a pomôcť mi získať kľúče od domu. A veruže, aj som sa k nim dostala. Pretože ako sa píše v žalme 91:
Pretože sa ku mne pritúlil, vyslobodím ho,*
ujmem sa ho, lebo pozná moje meno.
Keď ku mne zavolá, ja ho vyslyším † a budem pri ňom v súžení,*
zachránim ho i oslávim.
Keď som už sedela doma po podrobnom rozhovore s poisťovňou, uzatvorenou poistnou udalosťou, uvedomila som si, že o dva dni mi pribudne na účet suma za ktorú si budem môcť kúpiť ďalšie auto. Nie nové, ale podobné. Ako sa vraví "Kráľ je mŕtv, nech žije kráľ." A nech opäť spolu najazdíme krásnych pár kilometrov, zažijeme nové dobrodružstvá a možno zajdeme aj ďalej do sveta. Presne tak, ako sme si to kedysi naplánovali s mojou drahou Jahodou.
Milý Bože, nedáš mi ustať a lámeš moju pýchu, trénuješ moje sebaovládanie, trpezlivosť a vieru, že všetko sa dobre skončí. Pomáhaš mi na mojich cestách a neopúšťaš ma, i keď ja Ťa občas prehliadam. Zostaň pri mne i naďalej, neopúšťaj ma. Trénuj ma vo vytrvalosti nikdy neskloniť hlavu a stratiť vieru v Teba. Uč ma ísť správnou rýchlosťou za cieľom, ktorý mi je určený. A ja sľubujem, že ťa vždy budem vzývať kdekoľvek sa budem nachádzať a pracovať.
Pomôž mi zostať na správnej ceste životom a nikdy nestratiť ten správny smer.
Tvoja ovečka xxx
In English:
Today should have been one of those days, when I could relax and recuperate in the presence of my two different, but amazing girlfriends. But instead of that, I have experienced a terrible shock and I´m still shaking because of what has happened to me, though it is almost midnight
It was recently, when I mentioned to one of my friends that I might want to sell my beautiful red car in the future, which I have the pleasure to own and I named it "Strawberry". I know you´re smiling. I call things by giving them certain names. But you know how difficult and challenging it is to become an owner of any property in a foreign country. I beheld it, I found it, my dear and lovely “Strawberry”. At the beginning I had a slight technical problem with her, but everything was resolved easily and quickly. And since then, she ran like clockwork. Me and her, we proudly zoomed through Barnes and areas around South London and from time to time we went on a trip with my friends.
I am so sorry for what happened today. I still have the whole situation in front of me. I wanted to get to the left lane, but I couldn´t do that. There was a big truck coming along beside me. I was slowing down, showing that I want to go to the left but even behind the truck there were a lot of cars going so quickly. I decreased my speed a bit more, but the car which was behind me didn´t copy my actions. Its driver noticed it in the last minute so he did a little “S” drive to avoid a collision. Unfortunately, the car which was behind him hadn´t noticed it at all, and he hit the back of my right rear. I´m still having flashbacks and the pictures are coming back to me in certain sequences. Those scraps of moments are still blinking in front of my eyes.
I'm sitting in the car, trying to calm down. But instead of that I start crying hysterically. After a few minutes, when my two girlfriends calm me down, I´m getting out, walking towards the car which hit us from behind. I hope that there are not a lot of people in it. And there he is. The gentleman whose first question is: "Are you alright, my love?" And I am. I'm fine. I have nothing broken, struck, or hit. I am unharmed, completely perfectly unharmed. Because you won´t hurt anyone whom you love.
In English:
Today should have been one of those days, when I could relax and recuperate in the presence of my two different, but amazing girlfriends. But instead of that, I have experienced a terrible shock and I´m still shaking because of what has happened to me, though it is almost midnight
It was recently, when I mentioned to one of my friends that I might want to sell my beautiful red car in the future, which I have the pleasure to own and I named it "Strawberry". I know you´re smiling. I call things by giving them certain names. But you know how difficult and challenging it is to become an owner of any property in a foreign country. I beheld it, I found it, my dear and lovely “Strawberry”. At the beginning I had a slight technical problem with her, but everything was resolved easily and quickly. And since then, she ran like clockwork. Me and her, we proudly zoomed through Barnes and areas around South London and from time to time we went on a trip with my friends.
I am so sorry for what happened today. I still have the whole situation in front of me. I wanted to get to the left lane, but I couldn´t do that. There was a big truck coming along beside me. I was slowing down, showing that I want to go to the left but even behind the truck there were a lot of cars going so quickly. I decreased my speed a bit more, but the car which was behind me didn´t copy my actions. Its driver noticed it in the last minute so he did a little “S” drive to avoid a collision. Unfortunately, the car which was behind him hadn´t noticed it at all, and he hit the back of my right rear. I´m still having flashbacks and the pictures are coming back to me in certain sequences. Those scraps of moments are still blinking in front of my eyes.
I'm sitting in the car, trying to calm down. But instead of that I start crying hysterically. After a few minutes, when my two girlfriends calm me down, I´m getting out, walking towards the car which hit us from behind. I hope that there are not a lot of people in it. And there he is. The gentleman whose first question is: "Are you alright, my love?" And I am. I'm fine. I have nothing broken, struck, or hit. I am unharmed, completely perfectly unharmed. Because you won´t hurt anyone whom you love.
harm will overtake you,
no disaster will come near your tent.
For he will command his angels concerning you
to guard you in all your ways;
no disaster will come near your tent.
For he will command his angels concerning you
to guard you in all your ways;
nobody was hurt, ambulance or police didn´t arrive. Instead of that came
Highway service. They came quickly and were very helpful. They managed to stop
the traffic for several minutes just to keep us safe and they dragged the cars
and us to the side to ensure our protection. For a very short moment, I became
“the Queen of the road.” For several minutes, the traffic on one of the busiest
motorways in England has stopped.
get in touch with my insurance company
and report the accident was very hard,
because we had a weak signal. Eventually, we managed to call them and report
everything as it has happenned. About an hour and a half later, the recover
company came, loaded the broken car onto the lorry and drove us to the nearest
train station. From there, we headed back home to London, each of us with
battered mind and still very shaken.
I though that we emptied the bag of adventures, it wasn´t over yet. When I got off the train, said
goodbye to my friends, it suddenly appeared to me, that I do not have my home
keys in my bag. I did not listen to the guardian angel, whom you have sent to
me. Before he drove the car into the insurance company´s garage, the lorry
driver asked us if we had taken
everything out of the car that we need and want. And we all shook our heads
that we had. How terrible was my reaction when I realised, just before I stood at
the home platform, that there might be no way I could get in.
I had started to call the people whom I thought might be near me and help me to
get the keys of our house. And so, I got them. Because as it is written in
Psalm 91:
Will protect him, for he
acknowledges my name.
He will call on me, and I will answer him;
I will be with him in trouble,
I will deliver him and honor him.
He will call on me, and I will answer him;
I will be with him in trouble,
I will deliver him and honor him.
I was sitting at home after a detailed interview with the insurance company, I
realised that in two days there will be a nice amount of money added to my bank
account. Hence, I will be able to buy another car. Certainly, not a new one but
similar. As we say in Slovakia, “The king is dead, long live the king.“ So, let´s
get a new companion with which we can raid lovely couple of kilometers,
experience new adventures and maybe we´ll go even further to discover more
foreign countries. Let´s do it the exact way as we planned to do it with my
beautiful and dear Strawberry.
God, you won´t let me stop, you're
breaking my pride, you challenge me in my self-control, patience and faith that
everything will end up well. You guide
me on my travels and are always with me, even though I sometimes overlook you. Please,
stay with me and continue to be by my side. Give me endurance not to withdraw
and bend my head when I think I´m loosing and help me to keep my faith in you.
Teach me to drive the best speed for which I need to go. And I promise that I
always will call your name anywhere and anytime I will work or relax.
me to stay on the right way of my life and never let me lose the right
Your little Lamb xxx